Wednesday, September 3, 2008

God only made one John McCain

Fred Thompson certainly made the case for John McCain last night, as did Joe Lieberman. You have to respect a man that would cross the party line to exhort the virtues of McCain.

Starting with Fred Thompson, these are some of the comments that made their case:

We need a president who doesn't think the protection of the unborn is above his paygrade

We need a president that feels no need to apologize for The United States of America

We need a leader who stands on principles

John McCain has the kind of character that civilizations from the beginning
of history have sought in their leaders

He can't raise his hand to salute the flag of a country he sacrificed so much for.
We salute his character, courage, his spirit of independence, and his drive for reform.
His vision to bring security, peace, and continuing prosperity for our children and
grandchildren, let us celebrate that vision.

Regarding Obama, he's the most liberal, inexperienced nominee
to ever run for president

If elected, the Supreme court would be lost to liberalism for a generation,
this is not reform or change

On Sarah Palin, let's be clear, the selection of Govenor Palin has the other side
and their friend in a state of panic

She has actually governed, not just talked a good game on Sunday talk shows
and hit the Washington cocktail circuit

Joe Lieberman's comments:

John McCain's whole life testifies to a great truth, being a Democrat or Republican
is important, but no where near as important as being an American

He will put our country first, that's not political postering,
that's the code by where McCain has lived his entire life.
That's the code he will bring with him to The Whitehouse

He would work to end the partisan paralysis

If John McCain is just another partisan Republican, then I'm Michael Moore's
favorite Democrat, NOT.

McCain stood against the tide of public opinion, because of that, our troops are
at last beginning to come home. Not in failure, but in honor

He had the guts and judgement to sound the alarm about the mistakes
we were making in Iraq

When colleagues like Obama were voting to cut off spending for our
American troops on the battlefield, John had the courage to support the surge

The Washington bureaucrats are not going to be able to build a pen that will
hold in these two Mavericks, it's just not possible

Obama is a gifted and eloquent young man, but eloquence is no substitute for a record

On traveling with John, I can tell you how much he is respected, admired, and
liked by leaders across the globe.

John McCain will be the kind of president that our allies trust and our enemies fear

Vote for the leader who since the age of 17 when he first raised his hand and took
an oath to defend and protect our constitution, has always put America first!

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